EPHRAIM — Visitors to Ephraim this summer will see a newly rebuilt shoreline designed as protection from record high water in Green Bay in recent years.
Earlier this month, contractors poured the final slab on the jetty in the northern section across from the Village Hall as well as the sidewalks in the northern and central sections, according to a news release.
The project includes shoreline repair, placement of riprap, a low wall suitable for sitting, a new concrete walking path adjacent to the wall, and concrete pads for benches and picnic tables.

A number of trees have been removed, mostly due to Emerald Ash Borer disease. They will be replaced by six new trees, along with a new fir across from City Hall. Following the tree plantings, new sod will be laid. Solar lighting will replace the original path lights.
The Village of Ephraim’s Shoreline Ad Hoc Committee led the project to stabilizes the shoreline and provide protection from further erosion.
Its plan focuses on three sections of shoreline extending from Firehouse Marina to the area in front of the Village Hall.
Excess stone from the project has been moved to Ephraim beach where it will be dug into the sand approximately where the cedar hedge is now to an approximate height of the edge of the parking lot.
The existing cedars, along with various tree stumps in the beach area, will be removed.
Once the stone is set, new cedars will be planted between the stone and edge of the parking lot. The stone will provide a planting area for the new cedars and help protect them from the waves and wind.

In addition, along with the new cedar hedge, this will help prevent sand from blowing off the beach onto the properties across Water St.
The project should be completed in June.
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